Call for Papers for the

Sixth International Display Phosphors Conference




Sponsored by:

Phosphor Technology Center of Excellence
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Society for Information Display

November 6-8, 2000

San Diego, California



The purpose of this conference is a continuation of an international conference held annually. It is to discuss the prospects of phosphors for the electroluminescent (EL), field emission (FED), cathode-ray tube (CRT), and plasma displays. Following the success of merging the EL and PDC last year, the 1999 Conference will also provide a larger format for comparing inorganic and organic phosphors for both electronic- and photonic-driven displays. The development of phosphors for advanced display systems is a multidisciplinary field requiring input from system designers, materials scientists, chemists, and physicists. The goal of this conference is to bring these disciplines together to present and discuss the latest results, and to define the issues and challenges in the future phosphor research and development.

Areas of Interest:

Areas of interest include new aspects of the phosphor growth/synthesis, phosphor characterization/modeling, process and surface modification, new materials, device characterization/modeling, and novel device structures and applications. Particular emphasis will be placed on new developments for OLED, TFEL and FED device applications and new phosphors for plasma and photonic displays. Other new applications for phosphors are also encouraged.

Conference Format:

The conference has been organized to provide as much interaction and discussion among the participants as possible. The program will include technical sessions comprised of invited and contributed papers for oral presentation and afternoon poster/wine & cheese sessions. To promote discussion time, the program will be limited to approximately 45 papers. Authors of accepted papers would be required to submit a full-length manuscript for peer review for publication in the Journal of the SID.


Phosphor Growth and Synthesis Physics and Chemistry Screening Device Technologies

Call for Papers

Papers describing significant advances in the state-of-the-art of the conference topics listed above are solicited. Experimental or theoretical results are strongly encouraged. Both oral presentations and poster papers are planned. Accepted papers will be assigned to either oral or poster sessions at the discretion of the program. Papers will be selected on the basis of (1) originality, (2) significance of the results, (3) quality and completeness of the research, and (4) breadth of interest. Four-page extended abstracts will be published in the Book of Extended Abstracts that will be distributed to all attendees at conference registration. . Full-length manuscripts, subject to critical review, will be published in the Journal of the SID.



Abstracts, suitable for publication, should clearly indicate the following:
    1. original aspects of research
    2. objective and approach to work
    3. previous publications or presentations
    4. experimental data
    5. scientific implications of results
  1. Two-page abstracts should be double-spaced of 8 1/2 x 11 in. paper. One (1) additional page of supporting figures will be accepted and is encouraged. The title, author(s) and affiliation(s) should be included on the first page of the three-page extended abstract.
  2. A complete mailing address (including telephone, fax and e-mail) of the presenter should appear on the back of the first page of the abstract.
  3. Abstracts are to be submitted before June 26, 2000 to:

  4. Palisades Institute for Research Services, Inc.
    1999 Display Phosphors Conference
    Attn: Jay Morreale
    411 Lafayette Street, 2nd Floor
    New York, NY 10003

  5. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by August 13, 1999. Authors of accepted papers must submit a four-page extended abstract for inclusion in the Book of Extended Abstracts by October 1, 1999.
  6. Full-length papers for publication in the Journal of the SID must be submitted during the Conference. Papers not submitted at that time will not be accepted at a later date.

Display Phosphors Conference Organization

Program Committee

Christopher J. Summers, Chair, PTCOE/Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Ghasson Jabbour, Co-Chair, University of Arizona, USA

Paul H. Holloway, University of Florida, USA

Christopher N. King, Planar Systems, USA

Gerd O. Mueller, Hewlett-Packard, USA

Ronald O. Petersen, Consultant, USA

Ching W. Tang, Eastman Kodak Co., USA

M. Thomson, University of Southern California, USA

John F. Wager, Oregon State University, USA

Will B. White, Pennsylvania State University, USA

William M. Yen, University of Georgia, USA

P. Niel Yocom, Sarnoff Corp., USA

J. Burroughes, Cambridge Display Technology, U.K.

Hiroshi Kobayashi, Tottori University, Japan

Markku A. Leskelä, University of Helsinki, Finland

Myung Hwan Oh, KIST, Korea

Cees R. Ronda, Philips Research, Germany

T. Sato, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan

Aron Vecht, University of Greenwich, England

Karl O. Velthaus, Heinrich-Hertz Institute, Germany

Hajime Yamamoto, Tokyo Engineering University, Japan

Hong Geun Yang, Samsung Display Devices

Organizing Committee

Joanna M. McKittrick, University of California at San Diego

Jan B. Talbot, University of California at San Diego

Brent K. Wagner, PTCOE/Georgia Institute of Technology

Conference Coordinator

Mark Goldfarb, Palisades Institute for Research Services, Inc. 212/460-8090 Fax: 212/460-5460 email:


Conference Particulars

Location and Date

The 2000 Display Phosphors Conference will be held November 6-8, 2000 at the Catamaran Resort Hotel in San Diego, California.


Conference registration information will be included in the Advance Program.

Hotel Accommodations

Hotel reservations may be made through Catamaran Resort Hotel at 619/539-8700, fax 619/488-8700. A limited number of reduced-rate rooms will be available to government employees and university staff/students with proper identification. The hotel must be advised that you are a 2000 Display Phosphors Conference attendee to obtain these special rates. A self-addressed hotel reservation form will be included with the mailing of the Advance Program. The hotel reservation deadline is October 5, 2000.

Student Financial Assistance

To help defray the travel expenses of several full-time university students, who can justify their attendance, the Conference has made available limited funds. First consideration will be given to students who are authors of papers accepted for presentation and members of SID. Requests for financial assistance should be included with submission of abstracts. Other students may request financial assistance by having their advisors submit a letter explaining the student's particular circumstances. All requests should be sent to Mark Goldfarb, Palisades Institute for Research Services, Inc. The 2000 Display Phosphors Conference, 411 Lafayette Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10003.

Conference Calendar

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